Alibaba acquires Daraz and now expanding its leadership in South Asia

Daraz, one of the finest e-commerce sites in South Asian countries founded in 2012 in Pakistan. Daraz, providing its online services in five different countries of south Asia Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Nepal. Nowadays the number of e-commerce sites is increasing day by day. With the different offers in purchasing the products, mouth watering deals on different electronics item and discount on every products, which indirectly attracts people towards e-commerce site rather than going in any shopping mall or stores.

According to the CEO of Alibaba Group ,”We are excited for Daraz to become a part of the Alibaba ecosystem. Together with Daraz, we can now empower entrepreneurs to better serve consumers in the region through our technology and expertise. In Daraz, we found a great team that espouses our values and believes that a technology-enabled commerce ecosystem will play a critical role in driving the long-term economic development in South Asia”.

With these few words of CEO from Alibaba, it is clear that, Daraz is going to acquired by china’s best of best e-commerce sites Alibaba. With the purpose of expanding its service in South Asia, Alibaba has acquired Daraz. Recently, Daraz has more than 460 million of customers among which 60 % are under the age of 35. Daraz is now selling the products of electronics, household goods, groceries, equipment, sports beauty and fashion.

Alibaba is best e-commerce site of Asia, which has gone through many successful years, and having Alibaba like e-commerce site in Nepal, is exciting and interesting to hear. In Nepal , there is no way of shipping the foreign products from online, if Alibaba ensures its service in Nepal, people are going to courier the products in cheap rate.

Yet, Company has not revealed the price for acquiring Daraz and not informs about the future plans.
