Nepal Telecom’s (NTC) USSD Codes and Short Codes

Nepal Telecom has provided various shortcodes and USSD codes for the convenience of its customers. But most of the customers would not know the codes when needed.

Here are all the USSD codes Short Codes and we offer here to use different services for the convenience of Nepal Telecom.

For Dailing

  • *1415 #: To know and buy data and voice pack offers
  • 1415 # * 55 #: To know the rest of the data and voice pack
  • 444 #: 4G service enabled
  • 400 #: To find out the balance of the mobile
  • 9 #: To know your mobile number
  • # 331 * 0000 #: To Launch ISD Services On Postpaid Mobile
  • # 422 * Security Code * 98xxxx * rs #: Transfer Balance to Extract Number from Prepaid Mobile
  • 1455 #: Enable Caller Ring Back tone
  • 1400 #: To start the Missed Call notification service
  • 197: Landline number to inquire
  • 1498: Information about mobile services
  • 198: Landline telephone repair
  • 1607: To know the PUK number of GSM prepaid


  • To Buy Color Ring Back Tone (CRBT): Type Sub and send to 1455
  • To get the security code of GSM Prepaid Mobile: Type SCODE and send to 1415
  • To know the PUK number of GSM postpaid: Type PUK and send to 1415
  • To start the Missed Call notification service: Type sub mca and send to 1400
  • To turn off the Missed Call notification service: Type unsub mca and send to 1400
  • To find the bill amount for landline telephone bill: Type CB * 01xxxxxx (your landline number) and send to 1415
  • To find available balance on mobile: CB and send 1415
  • To find out the rest of the data on mobile: VL and send 1415
  • To start FNap service on prepaid mobile: Type FNFSUB * 98xxxxxxxx (Mobile number you want to talk about at cheap rate) and send to 1415
  • Send FNFADD * 98xxxxxxxx (with a separate mobile number) to 1415 to add another number to the FNAAP list.

For postpaid mobiles and landlines: Open this link and login to see details of monthly bills, balance, advance amount, etc. Enter the account number for the landline (written on the old bill paid monthly) and the PUK number for the mobile.
