How to Decrease Your Website’s Bounce Rate

Your website’s bounce rate is a metric that indicates the percentage of people who land on one of your web pages and then leave without clicking to anywhere else on your website — in other words, single-page visitors.

If visitors bounce, it suggests they either didn’t find what they were looking for, or the page wasn’t user-friendly.

Unfortunately, a high bounce rate is significant, since it indicates that your website visitors aren’t looking for more content on your site, clicking on your calls-to-action, or converting into contacts. And to inbound marketers whose primary goal is to attract and convert website visitors into highly qualified leads for their sales teams, a high bounce rate is obviously some pretty scary stuff. bouncerate1

How to Decrease Your Bounce Rate 

Set Realistic Expectations: Benchmark Averages for Bounce Rates

  • Content Websites: 40-60%
  • Lead Generation: 30-50%
  • Blogs: 70-98%
  • Retail Sites:  20-40%
  • Service Sites: 10-30%
  • Landing Pages: 70-90%

Attract the Right Visitors

  • Choose the right keywords to match your content — not just to attract the most number of visitors.
  • Create multiple landing pages with unique content and keywords for your different buyer personas.
  • Maintain top rankings for branded terms.
  • Write attractive, useful meta descriptions for search engine users.
  • Improve targeting of online advertising campaigns.

Enhance Usability

  • Make your text readable through sensible organization and the use of larger fonts, bulleted lists, white space, good color contrast, and large headlines.
  • Use well-organized, responsive layouts that allow for quick and easy navigation on all platforms and browsers .

Speed Up Page Load Time

  • Use little or no self-loading multimedia content.
  • Set external links to open in new browser windows/tabs.
  • Don’t let ads distract from your content: Place static ads to sides, and avoid pop-ups and self-loading multimedia ads.

Provide Quality Content

  • Have an obvious main message.
  • Use clear headers and subheads.
  • Tailor content to intended visitors.
  • Use stylish copy and images.
  • Make your content error-free.
  • Include a clear call-to-action and obvious links to next steps.bouncerate2