Free WiFi and Smart board in Tribhuvan University and its affiliated colleges.

Free WiFi and Smart board in Tribhuvan University and its affiliated colleges.

Tribhuvan University is the first and oldest university of Nepal established in 1959, to organize different higher education study courses in Nepal. Tribhuvan University is ninth largest university all over the world, in terms of enrollment. There are 60 constituent colleges and 1085 TU affiliated colleges in Nepal. More than 2000 post graduate, under graduate courses in Tribhuvan University.

                             Free WiFi

Recently, Tribhuvan University issued a notice regarding e-governance. With the purpose to make every TU 60 constituent colleges and 1085 affiliated college more facilitate and Technical, TU is going to manage a free WiFi and smart board in every TU affiliated colleges. To manage free WiFi and e-governance in Tribhuvan University (Kirtipur) TU estimate the budget of Rs.10 crore. TU is going to coordinate with every affiliated colleges to manage smart board. So, every college pay out Rs.1 lakh to proceed this project further. The collection of money from every colleges already started.

In the context of Nepal, every colleges used white board and black marker to teach students. That results every students are not able to capture all the information written by teachers in white board. So, to solve these problem, Tribhuvan University is going to manage a smart board in every TU affiliated colleges. Smart board helps to show the written information again and again.
