Course Syllabus for Computer Officer 2076 | Lok Sewa Ayog
Compter Officer is the high-level position and every year Government Of Nepal issued the notice regarding the recruitment of new employment in the position Computer Officer. Lok Sewa Ayog also is known as the Public Service Commission is responsible for recruiting the candidates to this position. Here is the syllabus published by the Public Service Commission for the written to be conducted for the position of Computer Officer.
1.) Introduction
- General Concept of IT Planning
- Importance of IT in national development
- Social and cultural aspects of IT
- Global Information Superhighway
2.) Software Engineering
- System Development Life Cycle – JAD, RAD, Waterfall, Spiral
- Software Project Management
- Requirement Analysis
- A system, Data and Process Modeling
- Software testing
- Software quality assurance
- Software quality standards ISO, SEI, CASE Tools
- Software Cost estimation
3.) Computer Architecture & Organisation
- Instruction set architecture
- CPU Design and architecture
- Memory Hierarchy
- Input/Output System
4.) Operating System
- Components of the Operating Systems
- Processes
- IPC and deadlocks
- Memory Management
- Input / Output files
- Scheduling
- Different types of OS (DOS, UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS)
- Distributed Operating System
- Security issues
5.) Information Systems
- Information systems fundamentals
- Design of information systems building blocks
- Management system development
- Management Information system
- Decision support system
- ERP, CRM, and SRM
6.) Computer Networks
- Network Fundamentals
- OSI model
- Network protocols
- TCP / IP services (DNS, SNTP, FTP, DHCP, etc)
- Network infrastructures (LAN and WAN including IEEE 802.standards)
- VAN and remote access
- Internet and WWW
- Disaster recovery
- Distributed system
- Privacy and security issues
7.) Database Management System
- Database model
- Functional dependency
- Database design
- Transaction management and concurrency control
- Query processing and optimization
- Normalization
- DBSC architecture
- Data Mining and warehousing
- The basic concept of major DBSC products (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, MSSQl server, etc.)
8.) IT Strategy
- Strategic use of IT
- Porter 5 Forces model
- Formulating long-term objectives
- Long-term objectives
- Generic strategies
- The value disciplines
- Grand strategies
- Strategic analysis and choices
- Value chain analysis
- SWOT analysis
- Core competencies
- Strategy control and continuous improvement
- Strategy implementation
9.) E-commerce Technology
- Introduction to E-Commerce
- Business models of E-Commerce
- B2B E-Commerce and EDI
- Business applications of E-Commerce
- Electronic payment system
- Security issues of E-Commerce
- PKI and digital signature
- Encryption and decryption methods
10.) E-Government
- Managing E-Government
- E-Government strategy
- Managing public data
- Emerging issues of E-Government
- Implementing E-Government
- E-Government system life cycle and project assessment
- Analysis of current reality
- Design of new E-Government system
- E-Government risk assessment and mitigation
- E-Government system construction implementation and beyond
- Nepalese E-Government initiative and E-Government master plan of Nepal
- Government enterprise architecture and government portal
- Government integrated data center
- Focal agencies for E-Government (NITC, HLCIT, OCCA, etc)
11.) Project Management
- Requirement engineering
- PERT /CPM network
- Investment analysis and breakeven analysis
- Tie value of money
- Financial analysis
- Software estimation
- Configuration management
- Team building approach
- Issue tracking and Management
- Verification and validation
- Business process reengineering.
The student with the background of any IT field or Computer Engineering field can apply to the Computer Officer position, and find the full syllabus topic you need to cover, before appearing in the exam of Computer Officer.