Nabil Bank Viber Banking
Nabil Viber Banking.
Nabil Bank is one of the highly recommended and renowned private bank of Nepal. This bank serves thousands of People Since 1984. With its advancement in technology, now this bank started viber banking services to people, who are connected with this bank.
What is Viber banking? How do I install it?
Viber banking is the platform that allows us to enjoy services and facilities directly interacting with the bank through Viber. Viber is an application which is internet based platform for messaging and voice over IP(VoIP). This app is available free in both playstore and appstore.
So, in order to use Viber banking, you do not need a separete app, as it is available in our own viber app which you need to install. After installing the app for services, you need to subscribe Nabil bank;s Public Account within the app
How to get started using Viber banking? How do i Use Viber banking?
1. First tap public chat option(it is in the top and lies within search option) to enter in public accounts.
2. Tap search icon inside public chat to search for banks public account and type Nabil Bank.
3. Then it will displayed then tap on plus/add button to subscribe public accounts of Nabil Bank.
4. After you subscribe, the plus/add option will converted into Tick/Write.
After finishing above information, now start your conversation with bank by sending Hi, Hello. You will receive instant reply then it will display the menus of different services, you just need to tap any of them.
How to register.
1. When you start your conversation, they will display the menu where you find register optio.
2. Tap on Register option to ask for registeration request.
3. Inset your registered mobile number and send it.
4. You will receive 6 digist token as SMS.
5. Apply those token.
6. Bank will send you a messeage. Now you can use Viber banking facilities provided by bank.
Note:- To use viber banking, at first you must have used mobile banking services. The number must be same to use.