NCELL Free Wikipedia

Access to the world’s largest online library for free from Ncell

Free Wikipedia – Explore dherai gyan

Ncell in partnership with the Wikimedia foundation is providing Wikipedia for Ncell customers completely free of cost. You just need a phone with access to Ncell Internet and you can explore as much knowledge as you want through Wikipedia. This initiative will make information accessible and affordable for the people of Nepal using Ncell internet for free.

What can customers do in Wikipedia?
Customers can avail all content on Wikipedia without data charges. However, visiting external links and seeing media on external links will be charged as per data plan.
Whenever a subscriber clicks on an external link while using from, he will be shown a notification indicating that standard data charges may apply to view the link. External link will be opened after subscriber’s consent only. Notification message will not be seen on browsing from Wikipedia desktop version and mobile applications.

  • This service is available for all Ncell customers.
  • This service is now also available in Opera mini version 4.4 and above.
  • This service is not available on BlackBerry and other proxy browser handsets and data charges will apply. Mobile browsers (for example Nokia Xpress) on some handsets are proxy browsers. Accessing Wikipedia via these browsers may result in data charging.
  • Customer may get charged in background for other mobile phone applications which consumes data. This can be controlled by turning off such applications.