NEB Class 12 Supplementary Exam Result 2075/2018 Published
National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi Bhaktapur officially published the improvement/Supplementary result on 2075-06-03, Wednesday. The chance exam for upgrading the grade was held on 16th of Bhadra 2075.
Those students who were absent on related exam day or students with grade D+/D/E on any one of the subject is allowed to retake the exam. Out of 116520 students only 76227 students were participate to give re-exam
Note: If you get less grade on chance exam in compare to the original grade. Original grade will be your final grade.
How to Check Result with Marksheet?
To check your result online:- Click Here
Nepal Telecom: Online Result
Or you can also get your result in your mobile phone, for this type NEB <space>Symbol No. and send it to 31003.
You can also look after the below listed services to check your result.
- National Examination Board:
- Edusanjal:
- One Up Communication:
- The Connect Plus Pvt. ltd:
- Kantipur Publication:
SMS Service:
- Nepal Telecom: NEB <space>Symbol No. and send it to 1600.
- Janaki Technology Pvt.Ltd: NEB <space>Symbol No. and send it to 35001.
- Easy Digital Service Pvt. Ltd: NEB <space>Symbol No. and send it to 31007.
- Aakash Tech Pvt Ltd: NEB <space>Symbol No. and send it to 31003.