Nepal Telecom(NTC) announces Holi Offer:- Unlimited Data, Voice, SMS

Nepal Telecom Holi offer.


Enjoy Unlimited Holi offers by Nepal Telecom

Holi, one of the greatest festival celebrated mostly in Nepal and India. With the occasion of upcoming Holi, 2018 Nepal Telecom(NTC) announces different unlimited offers to its customers. In every festival NTC tries to provide offers. On this Holi, the offers announces by the Nepal Telecom are:-

1.Unlimited All Time Data

2. Unlimited Night Data and Voice Pack

3. Unlimited Voice, Data and SMS

Customers can experience the internet speed of 3G and 4G for 1 GB data for 24 Hrs. After that expected speed 256KBps for every data Pack.

Unlimited All time data.


Cost Data Volume Offers validity
Rs.50 Unlimited 24Hrs


Unlimited Night Data and Voice Pack:-

Night Data:-

Cost Data Volume Offers Validity
Rs.15 Unlimited 10PM-6AM


Night Voice Pack:-

Cost Data Volume Offers Validity Time
Rs.35 Unlimited 3 days 10PM-6AM


Unlimited Voice, Data and SMS:-

When customers buys, unlimited data, voice or SMS he/she can use Company’s network for 1 hrs and can enjoy the unlimited offers.

Cost Data Volume Offers Validity
Rs.25 Unlimited 1 hrs
