Next Generation TV

Next Generation TV: LG’s flexible paper thin TV

Everyday new technologies are being added to our daily devices to provide users a better experience. Smartphones are the most hyped about electronic products out there in the market. But now LG has shocked the work by showing off it’s new next generation TV. The 18 inch panel TV is very flexible and is as thin as a credit card. It is also cord less.

The TV was revealed by LG (A Korean Company) at a press show last week. The TV can be rolled up completely like a newspaper to a radius of 3 cm. The company claims that the TV is virtually impossible to break and are thinner and lighter than any LCD screen TV which is currently available in the market.

LG said that their new OLED (organic light-emitting diode) display TV are so flexible that they can curve around the walls and corners of your homes and offices.  A thin magnetic base is used to attach the 18 inch panel screen to your wall which can be peeled of easily as you desire.

The OLED technology allowed the company to achieve the thickness of 4mm as the display produces it’s own light. The screen even provides a brighter and clearer picture as compared to other LCD TV’s. The screen has a high definition resolution of 1,200 x 810.


The company also revealed that the panel has 30% more transmittance, or clarity.
