Now verifying the banking card, transacations with selfie.
Taking picture of own or friends or family is not a big thing now a days. Because of front facing camera that is available now in every android phone or ios phone. So, people started taking selfie rather than clicking the photographs. In every social media such as, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter the craze of selfie is increasing day by day. Now, due to such craze of selfie, Bank also planning to utilize such craze. To verify the banking cards for debit or credit, now bank is planning to ask for selfie .
World’s biggest payment receiving company, visa INC is going to launch a such platform, where the verification of banking card application or while doing any payment, company would take fingerprint, facial scanner and voice rather than password. Users gonna use this features in different ways, for e.g If users wants to verify the credit card with his/her own smartphone then he/she needs to send his/her own selfie picture or driving licence or Passport and bank will verify by matching selfie picture and photo of passport. or any government cards.
Online transaction is now a days growing day by day. Many people gets stuck with the fake person and they don’t receive the payment. Many people can’t verify his/her identity. So, now new technology is going to implement in the online transaction as well. Now, If bank doubts while doing transaction, then bank call center would not be dialing the telephone to the users. Now users need to send Apple’s touch ID or fingerprint or own selfie or voice to verify his/her transaction. While verifying with voice, users need to record some important talk. So, now users can verify his/her banking cards and online transaction with own voice, facial scanner, or fingerprint.