NTC ADSL sewa speed increased

Nepal Telecom has recently reduced the cost of the ADSL service for both Unlimited and Volume based packages. All Unlimited ADSL packages below 1Mbps offers have now been automatically upgraded to 1Mbps speed at reduced cost. Previously, thebasic Unlimited ADSL offer was 256Kbps at the cost of Rs. 1017 per month but now the cost for the 1Mbps speed is just Rs 1000.

Cost of Volume based data packages is also reduced significantly and the package sizes are being made flexible to include the different demand from the customer. Recent offer includes 15GB, 25GB and 40 GB which is valid for 30 days. The speed for all Volume Based package is also 1 Mbps. In order to take any one of the volume based package, subscriber need to visit the nearest NT office once to register for the package.

The cost of the ADSL package is reduced significantly with the increase speed which might give better user experience to the customer. The Packages has been offered as a promotional offer and is available till 28th October 2017 and may continue as per the user demand and feedback from the customer.

  • Reduced Cost
  • Faster Speed upto 1Mbps
  • Local Contents can be accessed@2Mbps.
ADSL Unlimited
Rate Inclusive of Taxes Data Rate Validity
1000.00 Upto 1 Mbps 30 Days


ADSL Volume Based
Rate Inclusive of Taxes Data Volume (GB) Validity Data Rate
300.00 15 30 Days Upto 1 Mbps
500.00 25
700.00 40

ADSL Registration Charge

Description Registration Charge
Volume Based 300.00
Unlimited 200.00