SEE Supplementary Exam Routine 2075/2076 Published

On Asadh 12, 2076 National Examination Board (NEB) published the SEE result of 2075. National Examination Board (NEB) started publishing the result in the grading system. So, anyone who thinks his/her grading in any of the subjects is not satisfactory. He/She is allowed to take the supplementary exam. NEB also published the Supplementary Exam routine 2075/2076.

Note: Only those students are allowed to take part in Supplementary exam, who has got C or C+ or lower grade in only two subjects.

The SEE Supplementary exam of the first subject will be conducted on Shrawan 26 and nest subject will be conducted on Shrawan 27, 2076.

Application Deadline: Shrawan 15, 2076

In 2075 SEE, total 4 lakh 75 thousand students were appeared in the exam, out of total students 17 thousand 5 hundred 80 scored the GPA in between 3.6 – 4, 51 thousand 1 hundred 37 scored the GPA in between 3.2 – 3.6, 63 thousand 7 hundred 41 score the GPA in between 2.8 – 3.2 and 98 thousand 2 hundred 7 student score the GPA in between 2- 2.4.

Click Here to check the update Routine of SEE Supplementary exam 2075.
