Vacancy for Management Trainee and Trainee Assistant at Nabil Bank
Nabil Bank Limited, Nation’s first private sector bank is seeking for the talented, highly motivated, result oriented and quilified young Nepali citizen for the position of Management Trainee and Trainee Assistant position.
Management Trainee [10]
Job Summary:
- Management Trainee is an entry level position for talented, highly motivated and qualified young people to be developed on a career path in the management cadre. Upon successful completion of a minimum of one year of training and development they will be eligible for confirmation in Officer O1 Level. Selected candidates shall be placed anywhere in Nepal as per the Bank’s requirement.
Minimum Qualification:
- Master’s Degree or equivalent post-graduate degree in commerce or management or statistics or finance or business or economics or accounting or subject related to banking or professional qualification as a Chartered Accountant (CA) or Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) from a recognized university/institution.
- At least First Division or 3.25 CGPA out of 4 CGPA in Master’s Degree or equivalent or certified as CA/CPA/ACCA.
Other Requuirements:
- Age not exceeding 28 years as of 04 November, 2016
Trainee Assistant [100]
Job Summary:
- Trainee Assistant is an entry level position at the clerical level. Selected candidates will undergo training of a minimum of 24 months. Upon successful completion of the training period, they will be eligible for confirmation in Assistant (A1) level. Selected candidates will be placed anywhere in Nepal as per the Bank’s requirement.
Minimum Qualification:
- Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent with minimum Second Division or 2.5 CGPA out of 4 CGPA from a recognized university/ College/ Institution
Other Requirements:
- Age not exceeding 25 years as on 04 November, 2016
The deadline for the job application is 24:00 Hrs of 4th November, 2016