Apple’s NEW 13-inch, 15-inch MacBooks for 2018 – Our Predictions!

Here it is, 13-inch entry-level MacBook Air. The first and the best thing about this laptop is gonna be its price which is tagged around 900$ which is cheaper than the current MacBook Air.

This laptop is missing USB-C charging, fancy stuff, touch bar, super high resolution display. 2018 MacBook air is mainly focused on productivity device which is thin and light. The key thing to be noticed about this laptop is price Key, Apple tagged this laptop in order that everyone could afford it basically students or anyone who don’t want a super powerful computers or laptops.

This MacBook Air gonna a have 8GB of RAM and processor gonna be probably a refresh version of current MacBook air processor. Every MacBook Pro which is ever existed has two core CPU, this now can have four core CPU , which is very good and capable to take the advantage of multicore-stuff. So, most of the content creators will loved now that a 13 inch laptop gonna have four core CPU.

Let’s move to the 15-inch MacBook pro, this still gonna miss NVIDIA card, its gonna have AMD. AMD cards here are of lower watts AMD cards.

In terms of CPU , MacBook 15-inch gonna probably pair up as six core 8th genearation intel CPU chip with an AMD GPU which results the good performance and its a very efficient. Its gonna upgrade the certain applications but this is not the massive upgrade compare to the current version. Current version of MacBook has got four-core CPU.

So, if you think off buying MacBook right now, we suggest you to hold off because all these are supoosed to come out at the end of may be June.

The above article is just our expectations which is not going to convert into fact.
