Career Opportunity at Nepal Rastra Bank- 151 job vacancies.
Vacancy Announcement.
Nepal Rastra Bank is currently seeking for the well deserved, dynamic, experienced and relevant Nepali citizens for the 151 job positions. Candidates can attach all the related documents with Online form. Visit:
Recently, Lok Sewa Ayoog is going to organize the written examination for 151 job vacancies in Nepal Rastra Bank.Candidates who meets all the criteria and qualifications, can easily apply for this job. The form is available online, so just visit the official website of Nepal Rastra Bank
The form is available inside the career@NRB, which is in website.
Submit the Application Form Now.
To Apply Click here |
Source:- Gorkhapatra daily
If any of the candidates have any queries or confusion he/she can contact the Bank’s contact no. 01-4419804, 01-4419805,01-4419806,01-4419807 extension no. 138 & 146.
For more detail regarding the job see the picture below:-
Source:- Gorkhapatra Daily
Every year LOK SEWA AYOUG (Public service commission of Nepal) organizes the written examination for the different government job opportunity in Nepal. They just takes a written examination where, hundreds of candidates submits application for different positions.
Public service Commission is only the government organization which is independent to the government. The main job of Lok sewa is to conduct the written examination to appoint well deserved candidates for the differen government jobs in Nepal.