How to Get Loan Balance in NTC and NCELL
Telecommunications in Nepal is under the lead of Nepal Government with 91.49% of the government share. This was initially started with Nepal Telecom. NTC was the only networking company since 1975. For almost the past four decades it was the only telecommunication company of Nepal until NCELL. Even though Ncell gave a strong competition to NTC, the company didn’t lose its subscribers overall. Both the networks gave great services to offer to their customers.
How Get Loan Balance in Nepal Telecom (NTC)
In Nepal Telecom (NTC) you can avail this service if you a prepaid customer for three months or more with the company. The company, NTC, named this service of advance balance as Reverse Credit.
The NTC credit amount ranged from Rs 5 to Rs 40 based on their recharge and usage. Now the credit amount varies from Rs 5 to Rs 20 only.
How to Manage and Subscribe/Unsubscribe:
- Type START and Send it to 1477 to get the Ntc #Sapati.
- Check your balance by dialing *400#
To unsubscribe the NTC Sapati service:
- Type STOP and Send it to 1477
Points to Note:
- The maximum credit amount and status can be checked by: Type STATUS and send it to 1477.
- If you are subscribed to the service, you’ll be notified via SMS about the amount you’ve been credited.
- Reserve Credit will be notified by SMS.
- You can avail the service once your balance reaches NPR 2.
- When you recharge your balance again, the amount of advance balance would be deducted automatically.
How Get Loan Balance in NCELL
In Ncell, you can avail this service if you are a prepaid Ncell user for three months or more with the company.
How to Manage and Subscribe:
It’s Simple. To get NCELL Sapati (Loan) in your Ncell Sim card.
- Just dial *9988# whenever you are out of credit and you’ll get a balance of NPR 20.
Points to Note:
- Out Of Credit service will be notified by SMS.
- You can avail the service once your balance reaches its end.
- When you recharge your balance again, the amount of advance balance would be deducted along with the fee of NPR 2 for the service, automatically.
Hope this post How to Get Loan Balance in NTC and NCELL is helpful for you.