Huawei Mate 10 to come in October and will have “full-screen display”

Huawei Mate 10 to come in October and will have “full-screen display”

It’s already July so it’s time for the Huawei Mate 10 rumor train to pick up the pace. The latest intel on the upcoming phablet is that it will feature a taller, 18:9 Full Active display from JDI and that it will arrive sometime in October.

Huawei is the largest of a coterie of Chinese smartphone makers that have grabbed global market share via affordable phones with premium specifications. The Mate 10 will debut right around the time Apple is expected to take the lid off its own flagship device, but will trump the iPhone in many aspects, said Richard Yu, chief of Huawei’s consumer division.

“We will have an even more powerful product,” Yu said in an interview. “The Mate 10, which has much longer battery life with a full-screen display, quicker changing speed, better photographing capability and many other features that will help us compete with Apple.”

Yu issued his challenge after Huawei reported a sharp fall in revenue growth in the first half, as smartphone sales tapered off from the dizzying pace of 2016. It posted a 15 percent rise in revenue to 283.1 billion yuan ($42 billion) in the first six months of 2017 — half the pace at which sales grew last year.

Its breakneck expansion in 2016 came at a cost: Huawei’s earnings grew at their slowest pace in five years in 2016, as it sank money into 5G research and a marketing blitz to gain ground in smartphones. The company didn’t release first-half income numbers on Thursday.

Huawei controlled a 9.8 percent share of the global smartphone market in the first quarter, according to research firm IDC. In China, it overtook Oppo in the first quarter by shipping 20.8 million smartphones, one fifth of the country’s overall sales, IDC said. The company, founded by former army engineer Ren Zhengfei three decades ago, has managed to make inroads into segments once dominated by Apple and Samsung.

