Mobile Device Management System (MDMS) in Nepal
Daily dozens of unregistered smartphones are imported in Nepal. In order to control the illegal import of mobile phones and to shut down the grey market, Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) plans to start the Mobile Device Management System (MDMS) in Nepal. NTA already appointed the company that is responsible to design and develop the system.
M/s Numera (M) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia OSI Consulting Pvt Ltd. is appointed to complete the project. The contract amount for the completion of the project within the period time is USD 7,066,888.00 (USD Seven Million Sixty Six Thousand and Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight only).
Mobile Device Management System (MDMS) in Nepal:
NTA initiation Mobile Device Management System actually keeps all the records of telecommunication devices i.e. IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number in NTA’s database. The records are kept categorizable into White List, Black List or Grey List.
Black List Devices:
Those devices that were listed on Black List will no longer accessible for communication i.e any of the SIM cards won’t be accepted by these devices. Devices which get a complaint of illegal activities or the device gets lost NTA database automatically detects it and block the device further communications.
White List Devices:
Those devices which are registered to use in Nepal were listed on these categories. Importing the illegal phones without the source will no longer be accepted in the Nepal region.
Grey List Devices:
The devices listed on Grey List categories will no longer have access to telecommunication service until and unless they register in NTA MDMS. Black Listed devices won’t be registered in NTA’s devices while Grey Listed devices can be registered in NTA MDMS.