Ncell, ‘Sahi’ data packs. Free video streaming for one hour

Ncell, private telecommunication company of Nepal. recently, announces the ‘Sahi’ Data packs offers for its customers. With the motive ‘Fuel your Fun’, Ncell announces this offer, so that users can enjoy the internet service at the affordable price.

‘Sahi’ data packs contains 10 times more data volume than the previous data packs at the same rate of price. Those customers, who subscribe the ‘Sahi’ data packs can enjoy the 1 hour free video streaming.

The ‘Sahi’ data packs is implemented from 12th April,2018 and remain in place for 90 days.

Ncell ‘Sahi’ Data Packs

Data Volume(GB) Price(Rs.) Validity(days) Subscription code
0.5 39 1 type 39 and send it to 17123
1.5 99 3 type 99 and send it to 17123
3.5 199 7 type 199 and send it to 17123
15 799 30 type 799 and send it to 17123


You can also take subscriptions by dialing *17123# and selecting 6.

The offers valid for all 2G, 3G and 4G users.

Along with the Sahi Data packs users can enjoy the 1 hour video streaming, which is applicable only in Iflix, YouTube Go, Vuclip, Lifestyle Portal, Funstore portal, Sports Portal,Nettv, Youtube. The free streaming facility can also be used for google services like playstore and maps.
