Nepal Telecom Student Offer 2075- Valid till 2075/04/02
Valid till: 2075-04-02
Nepal Telecom offers the Student offer 2075, only to those students who recently appeaared the SEE exam of 2075 and higher level. With the Nepal Telecom Students offer, Student can get the different data pack and Bonuses at either free of cost or at a cheap rate.
So, Dont forget to visit Nepal Telecom office because this offers only valid till 2075/04/02.
The offer that, Nepal Telecom provides in Student offer categories are:
- Free SIM
- Monthly Bonus upto months
- Bonus on recharge
Free SIM:
So, If you recently passed out the SEE exam or running in higher level, you will get the free Nepal Telecom SIM. Aong with the SIM, you will get certain amount of Free Data, Voice and SMS. So, in attach to SIM, you will get
- 60MB of Free Data,
- 40 Min of Voice package and
- 20 free SMS.
Monthly Bonus upto 6 Months
From the day, you brought the SIM, You will get the bonus valid upto 6 Months.
Bonus on recharge
You will get the different Data Pack and Voice pack, everytime when you recharge your Mobile Balance. The recharge balance must be above 50. The offers you get on every recharge valid for 1 year.
- 50MB Data
- 10 Min Voice
So, if you want to get the Free Nepal Telecom SIM, visit nearest NT office or contact the authorized dealer of Nepal Telecom.
Documents you need to Submit.
- SIM Registration Form.
- SEE Exam Admit Card or College Identity card
- Citizenship of your Guardian or yours preferable