Some random cell phone hacks For Better Reception

Some random cell phone hacks For Better Reception

In the current context, smartphones are being used abundantly. It is almost impossible for a person to go a day without using their cell phone. Here are some random hacks which might be very useful for your everyday use.

  • There are always some times when you find the right angle or the right pose while taking a selfie. But unfortunately you cannot reach the shutter and you have to move or the picture does not come out as perfect as before. But you can always use your ear buds to take picture. Simply plug in your ear buds while taking pictures and use the volume button to get that perfect selfie.
  • There are times when you are in a hurry and you want to charge your phone as fast as possible but it seems like it is taking forever. In this case simply switch your phone to airplane mode. This will make charging faster than ever.
  • As you use your phone, sometimes the battery and your mobile balance seems to finish very fast. This is mainly because of the apps that are still running in the background. For this turn off cellular data for certain apps. This will not only make your battery last longer but also saves your mobile balance.
  • We all have heard the fuzzy and scratchy sound that we hear after taking a video form our smartphones. But there is a very easy solution to it. Simply cover your microphone lightly with your palm while capturing a video. This will eliminate all the unwanted extra noises.
  • Using our finger to do some detailed work on smartphones can be hard. But you can always use the negative end of a discharged battery as a stylus for your smartphone. It is very simple and easy.