What to do if power button on your device is broken.
So, take a look on methods if Power Button on your Smartphone is broken by changing the settings of your device or using apps that will helps you to acess power button in your smartphone. Take a look for complete guidelines discussed below.
Maximum android and ios smartphone has power button to go through in your home screen in smartphone. So, this has become a physical key in any smartphones. In order to shutdown and reboot your phone, this power key is used. So, sometime because of heavy use, careless it might gets damaged and that will prohibits to enter in your home screen. Changing or repairing this might be costly. So, to save your money and time we are here writing this post. In Google you finds a numerous ways on how to open your phone with out power button. So, sometimes that might not work. So, here we present you few ways through which you can access your power button option.
Also read: https://www.updatenp.com/how-to-fix-overheating-issues-of-android-phones/
Steps on How to access Power Button Options.
I think this is the easiest method to access power button.
In this steps firstly you need to turn on the Debugging Mode on your Smartphone (Android device)
Also turned on the Scheduled power ON options in settings. Some of the android phone don’t get this type of features. So, make sure your phone and Scheduled power ON feature.
So, what if your phone is shutdown and you cannot enable above options?
In order to turn on your android phone either charged it or press volume button and Home button at a same time to reboot your phone through recovery menu.
Using android apps.
Sometimes because of your phone sensors, we can easily turn on/off your device through an apps called Gravity Screen in your Android phone. This apps work through light sensors and gravity sensor of your smartphone. This application lets its user to turn ON/OFF screen.
You can find numerous such apps in your android play store. But you must be familiar to these apps before you start using it.
So, here you got some ideas on how you can turn on/off your smartphone if your Power Button is broken.