Grade 12 result published. Click here to Check your result with Marksheet Now

National Examination board, published the grade 12 result on the day August 2, 2018 or Shrawan 17, 2075. This is the first year, where National Examination board published the result of all faculty i.e Science, Management and Humanities. Total 299575 students were participated in regular out of which, 1169 has the GPA in the range 3.61 and 4.0 . The detail of the GPA range of students in below check out now!!.

The result detail is followed in the below official notice from the National Examination board. Government also issued the notice regarding the re-exam. Where students with D+ or D or E grade in any one of the subjects can participate to score more improved marks. On Bhadra 16, Saturday students with D+ or D or E grade can participate in re-exam.Students will be charged with Rs.600 for each subjects, if they visit the Bank within Bhadra 10 otherwise charged double i.e Rs.1200 until Bhadra 13.

National Examination Board, from this year issued notice regarding the certificate . Click Here to know more




NEB Grade 12 result Published.

Get The result with Marksheet


Notice for Re-Exam

