Next generation Smartphone : iPhone 8 Rumors

Next generation Smartphone : iPhone 8 Rumors

iphone8iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 plus were not able to wow and impress users because there were not many feature added. Except few added features among which the removal of jack port was highly dislikes, the phone did not impress many. But you sure can expect iPhone 8 to sweep you off your feet 2017 being the 10th anniversary of the original iPhone we can surely expect something large and massive for the upcoming iPhone.

There are any rumors circulating around regarding the iPhone 8 but the most popular one is the OLED display (Organic Light-Emitting Diode Display). iPhone is finally about to leave the LED display behind and is going to shock the world with OLED display.  Rumors also has it that there will be two models of iPhone 8 bring released. One of the them will have the new OLED display technology where as the other will have the normal LED screen. One with OLED display can be expected to cost a bit more expensive than the normal version.

Other rumors also say that iPhone is having a huge pressure to change it’s design as since 2014, all iPhones have almost same design which was the biggest criticism for iPhone 7. So, in the upcoming iPhone 8 you can certainly expect a more different and unique design.

Another rumors regarding the design of iPhone 8 is that one of the models being released is going to have a glass body instead of the normal metal body. According to reports, the CEO of the company that makes the iPhone’s metal casing even said that ‘one of the models of iPhone 8 might even sport a glass casing next year.’

It seems that the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 plus which will be releasing on 2017 will be even more expensive but you can expect the newest and the most impressive designs and technology.
